Monday, March 9, 2009

Sell it faster....

Having trouble selling your home? Slow traffic?

Spring is nearly here. Traffic will pick up, house lookers will be out in force. My main objective is to increase traffic in your home or listing. If lookers can't see beyond your winter- laden lawn, they won't bother to see what's on the inside.

CLEAN debris from winter; rake up old leaves, blow the lawn, declutter beds. Put down pine mulch or straw to define borders and lastly spruce up beds by removing last seasons dead flowers, careful not to pull up new growth!

Add color by planting flowers such as pansies that can handle cold evenings in spring. Hang a hearty asparagus fern or set a nice topiary near your entryway or door. Welcome buyers to see your home!
Don't let the home buyers pass your home by because of a lack-luster, less appealing yard.

Jennifer Taylor
Ready Set Sell~
Freshen up and sell it faster!
Call me, I'd love to help you sell your home faster.
205 616 1055
205 824 4529